Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Where has the time gone???

   Been over a year since my last blog. How ya'll doin'? So much to talk about since I quit blogging last. School got busy, had to do another blog for my Public Relations class, and honestly just lost interest in it.

   Whew, where to start...

   Well, school is going awesome! I love my classes, my major rocks, lovin' life, and embarked on a new adventure in my schooling. The main reason I got back into blogging is because I am now involved in doing box turtle research here on campus at SIUE and the Turtle Recovery and Research Lab has a blog that I will be contributing to from time to time. Research is going great even though I am the only researcher that hasn't found a turtle yet! I've seen a bat, a snake, a ton of deer, but NO TURTLES! In time I definitely will. Well got to get busy on some homework, catch ya guys later!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Long Time, No Blog

   Why hello everyone. Yea, I know, it's been like 4 days since my last post, and these are my sins.
   If your wondering where the heck I've been (and I know your not), I've been in Colorado!!! I had too many tests Thursday to update this and had to rush to the airport so that's my excuse for Thursday. Friday, Saturday, Sunday, I was up in the mountains snowboarding, brah! I had internet so I probably could've updated it then but I needed a break from technology.
   I had a ton of fun though! And I got to try out my GoPro HD Camera on the mountains. It was a lil' cloudy so the lighting wasn't that great but I still got some good shots. I'm editing everything together this week and setting it all to music, blah blah blah.
   So this week is gonna be boring. Traveling today (Monday) back to STL, gotta pick up my car at the airport, then swing by my apartment and grab some things, then drive home to P-town. Tuesday - Thursday? No idea, hanging out at home, hopefully doing something but I doubt it. Then Friday I'm heading back to school (Thank God) so I can attend Safety Day at the Dropzone on Saturday! For all you whuffos, Safety Day is a full day of skydiving with safety reviews all day, then hopefully grilling out and partying at the dropzone. Should be a ton of fun! Anyway, that's it for today. See you all soon.

Daily song..."Funny the Way It Is" by Dave Matthews Band...great video...well, you gotta click on it, embedding is disabled :(
Funny the Way It Is - DMB

Catch ya later,

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Almost Thursday...

   This week is going by way to slow. I want it to be Thursday so I can get out of the Midwest and hit the slopes in Colorado! I can't wait to try out my new video camera. It should be an amazing getaway and I haven't gone riding since Christmas break. It also looks like it's going to be crappy weather here in MO so I won't be missing any skydiving this weekend. It seems like I mention skydiving in every post, but I absolutely love it and love talking about it (as you can tell).
   Well, I gotta keep studying for my Asian Cultures test, and there's not much to talk about on a Tuesday.

Daily song...staying with the Chiddy Bang theme like yesterday...this one, he samples an MGMT song...

Catch ya later,

Monday, March 1, 2010

Too much homework, talk to ya'll tomorrow.

Catch ya later,

Sunday, February 28, 2010


   Where to begin, where to begin. Friday? Ok. Friday wasn't anything special, but I didn't have class so I just slept in, and that was nice. Didn't do anything that night but went to bed early and got a good night sleep. Went for a great bike ride on Saturday because it was so nice outside. Then my parents called to tell me that they're sending me to Colorado this weekend for spring break!!! 3 more days of snowboarding this season!!! I fly out Thursday night after class and get to ride all day Fri, Sat, and Sunday with my favorite sister!!! Later that night I decided to drive to SLU to visit friend there. It was pretty fun, went to some random warehouse for a party. Didn't party too hard though because I knew I had a big day of skydiving today!!!
   Finally got some airtime and got to try out all my new gear!!! It was a perfect day to jump out of an airplane at 7,000ft. My new altimeter tells me how fast I was going and I can playback my last jump in real time. It said I hit 133mph in freefall!!! Could be accurate, could be a little fast but either way I had 3 great jumps today and can't wait for Safety Day coming up in 2 weeks. I love the fact that I got to skydive this weekend, be snowboarding in Colorado next weekend, then the next weekend after that I get to skydive again!!! Whew, life is pretty awesome sometimes. Did I mention I love skydiving? Oh and I my instructor took some pictures for me for free, thanks Mike!!! I got out at 7,000 while he stayed in to video the tandem going out later and he snapped some shots of me exiting the plane! I should have them some time soon...

Daily song...I'm stumped...can't think of anything at the moment...

Catch ya later,

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Heading to SLU tonight...

   Heading to SLU out of the blue. Works out well though because I can just drive a little farther south in the morning to....SKYDIVE!!! Can't wait!!! Talk to guys tomorrow.

Daily song time...

Catch ya later,

Friday, February 26, 2010

Me no like wind

   So my hopes for skydiving tomorrow have been crushed by forecasts for high winds. Rescheduled for Sunday now. Cross your fingers.
   Today was beautiful outside. And what did I do all day? Sat inside and did nothing. Although I did have the screen door open, so I consider that being outside ;) I really should've gone on a bike ride, but instead I had Wendy's for lunch and a fatty burrito from Qdoba for dinner. Oh well.
   I did get a little creative today, if you count standing on the porch and snapping a quick picture.

Daily song...Jordan and I watched "Into the Wild" last night, and it got me in an Eddie Vedder mood..

Catch ya later,